If you own a car, motorcycle, or another motorized vehicle you are certainly aware that you must renew your vehicle’s registration every year. Historically, this process involved waiting in line (for what seemed like an eternity) at the county courthouse. Fortunately, there are now multiple ways for you to skip the line during the registration renewal process.
To renew your registration online, go to https://apps.colorado.gov/apps/door/dmv/vehicle/registration/renewal/welcome.jsf
Online registration renewal requires that you have the following:
- license plate number
- credit card or checking account
- a valid email address
- current vehicle emissions, if applicable
- current insurance
A few things to note about the online renewal process:
- it can take up to 15 days for you to receive your renewal documents
- you CANNOT renew online if your registration has expired
- if needed, you can register multiple vehicles in one transaction
For more FAQs, visit https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dmv/online-vehicle-registration-renewal-faqs.
If you aren’t able to renew online you can save time by scheduling an appointment. Go to www.larimer.org/bookatime to make an appointment. I had to do this the last time I renewed my registration and it worked great! I was in and out in fewer than 10 minutes.