Insurance is only exciting if needed, it rarely gets in the way of a home purchase and can be challenging to...
The Deceptive Nature of Price Per (Total) Square Foot
In our experience, price/square foot is one of the most misunderstood and misused statistics in real estate. Its...
Property Taxes at Closing: What You Need to Know
Property taxes are paid in arrears, meaning they are due the year after they accrue. As a result, when you (or your...
Your Investment Property in the Worst of Times
To the extent possible, buy based on the worst of times, not the best. Rental properties are a hot topic right now in...
Superficial vs. Enduring
As we see it, you can make two types of improvements to your home — we'll call...
Condo/Townhome Insurance: What You Should Know
When buying an attached home (condo, townhome, etc.), part of the HOA fee goes toward the Master Insurance Policy. The...
You already have your Warranty Deed
In the closing documents packet, you will find your Warranty Deed. This document is recorded with Larimer County (or...
A Broad Look at the Steps to Buying a Home
So you're thinking about buying a home but don't know where to start. For every person we hear this from, I suspect...